Mar 29

California’s perfect blue sky is back. While my general rule is ‘one and only one long run per weekend’, I decided to join Ken, Craig, and other ambitious (crazy?) runners to have yet another long run in addition to Saturday’s usual 12 miles at Sawyer Camp.

It was a “park to park” run: meet up at Wunderlich at 8:15am, climb up to Skyline, go further a bit along the ridge, and then go down to Huddard: 15 miles (24km) in total (which makes 43.2km of run in two days!).

Here are usual Pace X Altitude graphs generated from Forerunner’s log.

At the top of Wunderlich on Skyline (4.8miles, 50:36, Point#3 on the map).

At an intermediate trail intersection (10.41miles, 1:41:59, Point#4 on the map).

Goal! 15.26miles, 2:24:44, Point#5 on the map.

I was totally exhausted at the end. In fact, I’ve not run such a long distance for more than 5 years. But it was much fun. I really enjoyed it.

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